Why machine learning?

Today we are going to be talking about machine learning. This is one of the hottest areas in all of statistics/data science. Machine learning is in the news a ton lately. Some examples include:

This is such a big idea that MIT basically renamed a whole collect to focus on “Artificial Intelligence”.

On a more personal note you might be interested in AI and machine learning because it is one of the most in demand parts of being a data scientist right now. If you get really good at it you can make a lot of money.

The other really exciting reason to focus on AI and ML right now is that there is a lot of room for statistical science. Some of the biggest open problems include:

There are a ton more, including how to do EDA for machine learning, understanding the potential confounders and bias, understanding the predictive value of a positive and more.

What is machine learning?

Ok so machine learning is super hot right now, but what is machine learning really? You may have learned about the central dogma of statistics that you sample from a population

Then you try to guess what will happen in the population from the sample.

For prediction we have a similar sampling problem

But now we are trying to build a rule that can be used to predict a single observation’s value of some characteristic using the others.

We can make this more concrete with a little mathematical notation.


This section borrowed from Rafa Irizarry’s excellent Data Science Book

In Machine Learning, data comes in the form of:

  1. the outcome we want to predict and
  2. the features that we will use to predict the outcome.

We want to build an algorithm that takes feature values as input and returns a prediction for the outcome when we don’t know the outcome. The machine learning approach is to train an algorithm using a dataset for which we do know the outcome, and then apply this algorithm in the future to make a prediction when we don’t know the outcome.

Here, we will use \(Y\) to denote the outcome and \(X_1, \dots, X_p\) to denote features. Note that features are sometimes referred to as predictors or covariates. We consider all these to be synonyms.

Prediction problems can be divided into categorical and continuous outcomes. For categorical outcomes, \(Y\) can be any one of \(K\) classes. The number of classes can vary greatly across applications. For example, in the digit reader data, \(K=10\) with the classes being the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. In speech recognition, the outcome are all possible words or phrases we are trying to detect. Spam detection has two outcomes: spam or not spam. In this book, we denote the \(K\) categories with indexes \(k=1,\dots,K\). However, for binary data we will use \(k=0,1\) for mathematical conveniences that we demonstrate later.

The general set-up is as follows. We have a series of features and an unknown outcome we want to predict:

outcome feature_1 feature_2 feature_3 feature_4 feature_5
? X_1 X_2 X_3 X_4 X_5

To build a model that provides a prediction for any set of values \(X_1=x_1, X_2=x_2, \dots X_5=x_5\), we collect data for which we know the outcome:

outcome feature_1 feature_2 feature_3 feature_4 feature_5
Y_1 X_1,1 X_1,2 X_1,3 X_1,4 X_1,5
Y_2 X_2,1 X_2,2 X_2,3 X_2,4 X_2,5
Y_3 X_3,1 X_3,2 X_3,3 X_3,4 X_3,5
Y_4 X_4,1 X_4,2 X_4,3 X_4,4 X_4,5
Y_5 X_5,1 X_5,2 X_5,3 X_5,4 X_5,5
Y_6 X_6,1 X_6,2 X_6,3 X_6,4 X_6,5
Y_7 X_7,1 X_7,2 X_7,3 X_7,4 X_7,5
Y_8 X_8,1 X_8,2 X_8,3 X_8,4 X_8,5
Y_9 X_9,1 X_9,2 X_9,3 X_9,4 X_9,5
Y_10 X_10,1 X_10,2 X_10,3 X_10,4 X_10,5

We use the notation \(\hat{Y}\) to denote the prediction. We use the term actual outcome to denote what we ended up observing. So we want the prediction \(\hat{Y}\) to match the actual outcome.

ML as an optimization problem

The central problem in machine learning can be thus written very simply as minimizing a distance metric. Let \(\hat{Y} = f(\vec{X})\) then our goal is to minimize the distance from our estimated function of the predictors to the actual value.

\[d(Y - f(\vec{X}))\]

\(d(\cdot)\) could be something as simple as the mean squared distance or something much more complex. The bulk of machine learning research in theoretical computer science and statistics departments focuses on defining different values of \(d\) and \(f\). We will talk a bit more about this later.

The parts of an ML problem

A machine learning problem consists of a few different parts and its important to consider each one. To solve a (standard) machine learning problem you need:

  1. A data set to train from.
  2. An algorithm or set of algorithms you can use to try values of \(f\)
  3. A distance metric \(d\) for measuring how close \(Y\) is to \(\hat{Y}\)
  4. A definition of what a “good” distance is

While each of these components is a technical problem, there has been a ton of work addressing those technical details. The most pressing open issue in machine learning is realizing that though these are technical steps they are not objective steps. In other words, how you choose the data, algorithm, metric, and definition of “good” says what you value and can dramatically change the results. A couple of cases where this was a big deal are:

  1. Machine learning for recidivism - people built ML models to predict who would re-commit a crime. But these predictions were based on historically biased data which led to biased predictions about who would commit new crimes.
  2. Deciding how self driving cars should act - self driving cars will have to make decisions about how to drive, who they might injure, and how to avoid accidents. Depending on our choices for \(f\) and \(d\) these might lead to wildly different kinds of self driving cars. Try out the moralmachine to see how this looks in practice.

Example: QuickDraw!

Quick,Draw! is an online game where you are given an object to draw (like a cello, axe, airplane, etc.) and then you have to draw it with your finger. Then a pre-trained deep learning algorithm is applied to guess what kind of a drawing you have made. You can try it out here.

One interesting thing about this project and something to keep in mind if you are thinking about ways to get cool data is the exchange that Google is making here. They are giving you a fun game to play for free and in return you are giving them a ton of free data. This is the same exchange made by other successful startups:

  • reCAPTCHA you click on images to prove you are a human, they give you access to a website.
  • DuoLingo you practice learning words, they collect information on the way you say those words or your translations

Before going any further, we load a few R packages we’ll need

The main steps in a machine learning problem are:

  1. Question definition
  2. Goal setting
  3. Data collection
  4. Training/testing/validation splits
  5. Data exploration
  6. Data processing
  7. Model selection and fitting
  8. Model evaluation

We will use the Quick, Draw! dataset to discuss a few different parts of the ML process.

Start with a question

This is the most commonly missed step when developing a machine learning algorithm. ML can very easily be turned into an engineering problem. Just dump the outcome and the features into a black box algorithm and viola!

But this kind of thinking can lead to major problems. In general good ML questions:

  1. Have a plausible explanation for why the features predict the outcome.
  2. Consider potential variation in both the features and the outcome over time
  3. Are consistently re-evaluated on criteria 1 and 2 over time.

For example, there is a famous case where Google predicted Flu outbreaks based on search results. But the way people searched (due to changes in the algorithm, changes in culture, or other unexplained reasons) led to variation in the search terms people were using. This led to the algorithm predicting wildly badly over time.

This is just one example of a spurious correlation, which is one of the big worries. In general all of the reasons for skepticism apply here.

In our QuickDraw! example, there are a ton of interesting analyses you could do with these data, but we are going to start with something simple. Can we predict from the drawing data what kind of object was drawn? To make matters even simpler we are going to just look at a couple of types of images: axes and clouds.

Goal setting

One important part of any machine learning problem is defining what success looks like. This choice very much depends on the application and what you are trying to do.

For example, when we talk about the goal in ML we are usually talking about the error rate we want to minimize and how small we want to make it. Consider for each observation we have an outcome \(y\) and a set of features \(\vec{x}\). Our goal is to create a function \(\hat{y} = \hat{f}(\vec{x})\) such that the distance, \(d(y,\hat{f}(\vec{x}))\), between the observed and the predicted \(y\) is minimized.

The two most common distances that show up in machine learning (and the ones you’ll always be using if you don’t change the defaults!) are:

  • Root mean squared error (RMSE) - this is the most common error measure for regression (read: continuous outcome) problems.
    • \(d(y,\hat{f}(\vec{x})) = \sqrt{\sum_i \left(y_i-\hat{f}(\vec{x}_i)\right)^2}\)
  • Accuracy - this is the most common error measure for classification (read: factor outcomes) problems.
    • \(d(y,\hat{f}(\vec{x})) = \sum_i 1\left(y=\hat{f}(\vec{x})\right)\)

Here we are going to use simple accuracy and say that anything better than guessing is “good enough”.

But in general there are a number of other potential error measures:

Here are a few examples of how they might be relevant.

  • Predictive value of a positive - in classification if one group is much less frequent than another, then even high sensitivity/high specificity tests can produce lots of false positives (the classic example is cancer screening, but very relevant for any screening problem).
  • Mean absolute error - in regression sometimes you want your error to be less sensitive to a few outliers (this might be true in predicting highly skewed outcomes like income or property values) and MAE can reduce the influence of those outliers.
  • Specificity - when the cost of a false negative is really high compared to a false positive and you never want to miss any negatives (say for example missing a person standing in front of a self driving car)

In general you need to spend a good amount of time thinking about what the goal is, what the tradeoff of various different errors are and then build that into your model.

Data collection

Here we’ll focus on one somewhat unique issue that arises often in ML problems - the data are often huge and not sampled randomly. Tom Louis (former prof in our department) asked this question:

“Which one should I trust more: a 1% survey with 60% response rate or a non-probabilistic dataset covering 80% of the population?”

There is a pretty heavy, but really good paper addressing this question by Xiao-Li Meng. The surprising answer is that it depends! If there is correlation between the outcome value and the sampling probability even huge data sets can actually be very small in “effective sample size”. So it is worth thinking very hard about potential correlation between the outcome and the (designed or de facto) sampling scheme.

OK back to our example. Google has released some of the data from the Quick, Draw! challenge. You can either get the data in raw form or you can get some pre-processed data.

I downloaded the pre-processed data sets for clouds and axes. These data are available from Google Cloud Platform.

  • Align the drawing to the top-left corner, to have minimum values of 0.
  • Uniformly scale the drawing, to have a maximum value of 255.
  • Resample all strokes with a 1 pixel spacing.
  • Simplify all strokes using the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm (strokes are simplified) with an epsilon value of 2.0.

All these things make data easier to manage and to represent into a plot. This already represents a lot of work, but even so we still have some more pre-processing to do. First we are going to load some of the data into R, it comes in ndjson format and there are lots of drawings.

## [1] "axe.ndjson"                    "cameras.csv"                  
## [3] "Chinook.sqlite"                "cloud.ndjson"                 
## [5] "hand-written-digits-train.csv"

Here we are going to read in 100 drawings of each class using the sample_lines() function from the LaF package.

Data loading and EDA

Before we talk about data exploration and processing, it is important to look at your data and think about what you find in it. Also, I want to point out you should do this exploration only in the training set. However, in this example, we are going split the data at a later point.

OK the data are not in a format we can do anything with yet. Each line is a json object:

## [1] "{\"word\":\"axe\",\"countrycode\":\"US\",\"timestamp\":\"2017-01-23 21:25:30.06067 UTC\",\"recognized\":true,\"key_id\":\"4842320119726080\",\"drawing\":[[[69,74,75,73,70,79,98,105,111,110,70],[76,92,118,239,252,255,252,208,133,73,66]],[[70,57,20,0,28,91,107,114,115,140,134,123,116,112],[66,74,87,0,17,31,45,59,78,95,75,55,50,37]],[[45,50,48],[20,51,74]]]}"

So the next thing I did was google “quick draw data ndjson rstats”. I found a tutorial and lifted some code for processing ndjson data into data frames.

Using this code I can get our first axe out

## # A tibble: 28 x 5
##    line      x     y drawing          row_id
##    <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>             <int>
##  1 1        69    76 4842320119726080      1
##  2 1        74    92 4842320119726080      2
##  3 1        75   118 4842320119726080      3
##  4 1        73   239 4842320119726080      4
##  5 1        70   252 4842320119726080      5
##  6 1        79   255 4842320119726080      6
##  7 1        98   252 4842320119726080      7
##  8 1       105   208 4842320119726080      8
##  9 1       111   133 4842320119726080      9
## 10 1       110    73 4842320119726080     10
## # … with 18 more rows

Ok this doesn’t look like much, but we could plot it to see if it looks like an axe.

This sort of looks ok, but maybe a better way to look at it is to actually draw the lines.

Hey that sort of looks like an axe! Let’s see another one.

If we were doing this for real, I’d make plots for a large sample of these, understand the variation (and look for mislabeled drawings, messed up observations, etc.).

Next let’s look at a cloud

Yup, looks like a cloud!

Data pre-processing

Feature engineering

One of the key issues in building a model is feature engineering. Feature engineering is a step in a machine learning model where we construct the covariates (or features, \(\vec{x}\)) that you will feed into the prediction algorithms.

In general feature engineering is particularly important for “unstructured” data. For example taking a pile of text like this Emily Dickenson quote from the tidy text tutorial:

And turn it into something like counts of each word

## # A tibble: 19 x 2
##    word            n
##    <chr>       <int>
##  1 and             1
##  2 because         1
##  3 but             1
##  4 carriage        1
##  5 could           1
##  6 death           1
##  7 for             2
##  8 he              1
##  9 held            1
## 10 i               1
## 11 immortality     1
## 12 just            1
## 13 kindly          1
## 14 me              1
## 15 not             1
## 16 ourselves       1
## 17 stop            1
## 18 stopped         1
## 19 the             1

This used to be something that was almost exclusively done by expert humans, but is now often done by deep learning algorithms which do “automatic feature selection”. We’ll talk more about with neural networks.

Back to our data above, e.g. 

## # A tibble: 28 x 5
##    line      x     y drawing          row_id
##    <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>             <int>
##  1 1        69    76 4842320119726080      1
##  2 1        74    92 4842320119726080      2
##  3 1        75   118 4842320119726080      3
##  4 1        73   239 4842320119726080      4
##  5 1        70   252 4842320119726080      5
##  6 1        79   255 4842320119726080      6
##  7 1        98   252 4842320119726080      7
##  8 1       105   208 4842320119726080      8
##  9 1       111   133 4842320119726080      9
## 10 1       110    73 4842320119726080     10
## # … with 18 more rows

A bunch of data processing has been done for us, but the data aren’t quite ready to be fed into an algorithm yet. To do that, we’d need a data frame with each row equal to one drawing and each column equal to one feature for that drawing, with an extra column for the drawing output.

To do this, we need to think about creating a standardized grid for storing our data on. However, the choice of grid is decision left up to us (you can think of this as feature engineering).

Another think we might want is for our data to be of a manageable size (again the choice of how we do this is another decision left up to us – more feature engineering).

Points on a regular grid

Let’s start by creating a regular grid of 256 x and y values.

## [1] 65536     2
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##       x     y
##   <int> <int>
## 1     1     1
## 2     2     1
## 3     3     1
## 4     4     1
## 5     5     1
## 6     6     1

Now we could make each x, y value be a grid point with a join (this is overkill)

## # A tibble: 65,537 x 5
##        x     y line  drawing row_id
##    <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>    <int>
##  1     1     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA
##  2     2     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA
##  3     3     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA
##  4     4     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA
##  5     5     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA
##  6     6     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA
##  7     7     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA
##  8     8     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA
##  9     9     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA
## 10    10     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA
## # … with 65,527 more rows
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   `is.na(line)`     n
##   <lgl>         <int>
## 1 FALSE            27
## 2 TRUE          65510

We see most of the lines are NA. Let’s add an indicator of whether a particular value is NA or not.

##  [1]  4124  4909  7771  9328 11371 12660 12850 13947 14962 16710 16711
## [12] 18543 18737 18746 19079 19270 19828 22037 23371 24205 30028 33904
## [23] 53098 61002 64327 64355 65104
## # A tibble: 27 x 6
##        x     y line  drawing          row_id pixel
##    <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>             <int> <dbl>
##  1    28    17 2     4842320119726080     16     1
##  2    45    20 3     4842320119726080     26     1
##  3    91    31 2     4842320119726080     17     1
##  4   112    37 2     4842320119726080     25     1
##  5   107    45 2     4842320119726080     18     1
##  6   116    50 2     4842320119726080     24     1
##  7    50    51 3     4842320119726080     27     1
##  8   123    55 2     4842320119726080     23     1
##  9   114    59 2     4842320119726080     19     1
## 10    70    66 1     4842320119726080     11     1
## # … with 17 more rows

Data set of a manageable size

Let’s try subsampling this down to a smaller image. We’ll use Hmisc::cut2() to cut a numeric variable into intervials. It’s similar to cut(), but left endpoints are inclusive and labels are of the form [lower, upper), except that last interval is [lower,upper]. However, we will use levels.mean=TRUE
to make the new categorical vector have levels attribute that is the group means of grid_axe$x instead of interval endpoint labels.

##   9.000  25.500  41.500  57.500  72.999  88.500 104.500 120.500 136.500 
##    4352    4096    4096    4096    3841    4096    4096    4096    4096 
## 152.500 168.500 184.500 200.500 216.500 232.500 248.500 
##    4096    4096    4096    4096    4096    4096    4096
## # A tibble: 65,537 x 8
##        x     y line  drawing row_id pixel xgroup    ygroup   
##    <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>    <int> <dbl> <fct>     <fct>    
##  1     1     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0 "  9.000" "  9.000"
##  2     2     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0 "  9.000" "  9.000"
##  3     3     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0 "  9.000" "  9.000"
##  4     4     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0 "  9.000" "  9.000"
##  5     5     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0 "  9.000" "  9.000"
##  6     6     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0 "  9.000" "  9.000"
##  7     7     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0 "  9.000" "  9.000"
##  8     8     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0 "  9.000" "  9.000"
##  9     9     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0 "  9.000" "  9.000"
## 10    10     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0 "  9.000" "  9.000"
## # … with 65,527 more rows

Now I can convert these to numbers so we’ll have them later

##    1.5     18     34     50 65.499     81     97    113    129    145 
##   4352   4096   4096   4096   3841   4096   4096   4096   4096   4096 
##    161    177    193    209    225    241 
##   4096   4096   4096   4096   4096   4096
## # A tibble: 65,537 x 8
##        x     y line  drawing row_id pixel xgroup ygroup
##    <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>    <int> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1     1     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0    1.5    1.5
##  2     2     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0    1.5    1.5
##  3     3     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0    1.5    1.5
##  4     4     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0    1.5    1.5
##  5     5     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0    1.5    1.5
##  6     6     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0    1.5    1.5
##  7     7     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0    1.5    1.5
##  8     8     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0    1.5    1.5
##  9     9     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0    1.5    1.5
## 10    10     1 <NA>  <NA>        NA     0    1.5    1.5
## # … with 65,527 more rows

Now we can average within groups of pixels to get a smaller image

## # A tibble: 256 x 3
## # Groups:   xgroup [16]
##    xgroup ygroup pixel
##     <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
##  1    1.5    1.5     0
##  2    1.5   18       0
##  3    1.5   34       0
##  4    1.5   50       0
##  5    1.5   65.5     0
##  6    1.5   81       0
##  7    1.5   97       0
##  8    1.5  113       0
##  9    1.5  129       0
## 10    1.5  145       0
## # … with 246 more rows

Remember this was our original axe

Now we can look at the small version - it looks similar - whew! :)

Doing this for all axes and clouds

Now let’s do this for all axes and clouds

Now let’s look at this new data frame

## # A tibble: 51,200 x 4
##    pixel type  drawing pixel_number
##    <dbl> <chr>   <int>        <int>
##  1     0 axe         1            1
##  2     0 axe         1            2
##  3     0 axe         1            3
##  4     0 axe         1            4
##  5     0 axe         1            5
##  6     0 axe         1            6
##  7     0 axe         1            7
##  8     0 axe         1            8
##  9     0 axe         1            9
## 10     0 axe         1           10
## # … with 51,190 more rows

We can spread this out and viola we finally have a processed data set!

## # A tibble: 200 x 258
##    type  drawing  pixel1  pixel2  pixel3  pixel4 pixel5  pixel6  pixel7
##    <chr>   <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 axe         1 0       0       0       0            0 0       0      
##  2 axe         2 0       0.00368 0.00368 0            0 0       0      
##  3 axe         3 0       0.00368 0       0            0 0.00368 0.00368
##  4 axe         4 0.00391 0       0.00391 0            0 0       0      
##  5 axe         5 0       0       0       0.00368      0 0       0      
##  6 axe         6 0       0       0.00391 0            0 0       0.00391
##  7 axe         7 0       0       0.00781 0            0 0       0      
##  8 axe         8 0       0       0.00391 0            0 0       0      
##  9 axe         9 0.00781 0       0.00391 0            0 0       0.00391
## 10 axe        10 0.0117  0       0       0.00391      0 0       0      
## # … with 190 more rows, and 249 more variables: pixel8 <dbl>,
## #   pixel9 <dbl>, pixel10 <dbl>, pixel11 <dbl>, pixel12 <dbl>,
## #   pixel13 <dbl>, pixel14 <dbl>, pixel15 <dbl>, pixel16 <dbl>,
## #   pixel17 <dbl>, pixel18 <dbl>, pixel19 <dbl>, pixel20 <dbl>,
## #   pixel21 <dbl>, pixel22 <dbl>, pixel23 <dbl>, pixel24 <dbl>,
## #   pixel25 <dbl>, pixel26 <dbl>, pixel27 <dbl>, pixel28 <dbl>,
## #   pixel29 <dbl>, pixel30 <dbl>, pixel31 <dbl>, pixel32 <dbl>,
## #   pixel33 <dbl>, pixel34 <dbl>, pixel35 <dbl>, pixel36 <dbl>,
## #   pixel37 <dbl>, pixel38 <dbl>, pixel39 <dbl>, pixel40 <dbl>,
## #   pixel41 <dbl>, pixel42 <dbl>, pixel43 <dbl>, pixel44 <dbl>,
## #   pixel45 <dbl>, pixel46 <dbl>, pixel47 <dbl>, pixel48 <dbl>,
## #   pixel49 <dbl>, pixel50 <dbl>, pixel51 <dbl>, pixel52 <dbl>,
## #   pixel53 <dbl>, pixel54 <dbl>, pixel55 <dbl>, pixel56 <dbl>,
## #   pixel57 <dbl>, pixel58 <dbl>, pixel59 <dbl>, pixel60 <dbl>,
## #   pixel61 <dbl>, pixel62 <dbl>, pixel63 <dbl>, pixel64 <dbl>,
## #   pixel65 <dbl>, pixel66 <dbl>, pixel67 <dbl>, pixel68 <dbl>,
## #   pixel69 <dbl>, pixel70 <dbl>, pixel71 <dbl>, pixel72 <dbl>,
## #   pixel73 <dbl>, pixel74 <dbl>, pixel75 <dbl>, pixel76 <dbl>,
## #   pixel77 <dbl>, pixel78 <dbl>, pixel79 <dbl>, pixel80 <dbl>,
## #   pixel81 <dbl>, pixel82 <dbl>, pixel83 <dbl>, pixel84 <dbl>,
## #   pixel85 <dbl>, pixel86 <dbl>, pixel87 <dbl>, pixel88 <dbl>,
## #   pixel89 <dbl>, pixel90 <dbl>, pixel91 <dbl>, pixel92 <dbl>,
## #   pixel93 <dbl>, pixel94 <dbl>, pixel95 <dbl>, pixel96 <dbl>,
## #   pixel97 <dbl>, pixel98 <dbl>, pixel99 <dbl>, pixel100 <dbl>,
## #   pixel101 <dbl>, pixel102 <dbl>, pixel103 <dbl>, pixel104 <dbl>,
## #   pixel105 <dbl>, pixel106 <dbl>, pixel107 <dbl>, …

Splitting into training, testing, validation

Now that we have our data processed an important step is to break the data up into a training, testing, and validation set. In general people use these words in different ways:

I actually like this proposal to call them “training, tuning, and testing” sets, so let’s use that.

But the reason for this splitting is that we want to avoid being overly optimistic or “overfitting” on the training data. That would prevent us from predicting well on new samples.


Here is a funny example from XKCD to illustrate overfitting

The basic idea is that if you keep adding predictors, the model will “predict well” on the data you have, no matter how well we expect it to do in the future.

The key thing to keep in mind is that there are two types of variation in any data set, the “signal” and the “noise”. Using math notation, imagine that the “real” model for a data set is:

\[y_i = \underbrace{g(\vec{x}_i)}_{signal} + \underbrace{e_i}_{noise}\]

Let’s use a concrete, simple example:

\[y_i = \underbrace{x^2}_{signal} + \underbrace{e_i}_{noise}\]

Imagine we want to “learn” a model of the form:

\[y_i = \sum_{k=1}^K b_k g_k(x_i) + e_i\]

Then the model

  • Fits if \(\sum_{k=1}^K b_k g_k(x) \approx x^2\).
  • Overfits if \(\sum_{k=1}^K b_k g_k(x) \approx x^2 + e_i\)
  • Underfits if \(\sum_{k=1}^K b_k g_k(x) \neq x^2\)

Let’s simulate from the example above to give a better idea:

Now let’s fit three models to this data. One that underfits, one that fits, and one that overfits.

You can kind of see that the blue line misses the signal, the red line fits pretty well, and the green line seems to capture a little too much of the noise. If we look at the errors of each approach we get:

## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   fit_type  rmse
##   <chr>    <dbl>
## 1 fits      6.10
## 2 over      4.58
## 3 under     9.12

It looks like the overfitting approach was best, but we can probably guess that won’t work on a new data set:

Where the best model will be the one that captures the signal (which remains fixed) and not the noise (which changes).

## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   fit_type  rmse
##   <chr>    <dbl>
## 1 fits      5.45
## 2 over      6.03
## 3 under     7.86

Bias variance tradeoff

Overfitting is related to another general concept - the bias variance tradeoff. In general the more predictors you have in a model the lower the bias but the higher the variance. This is called the “bias-variance tradeoff”. To see this, let’s fit these models in 100 simulated data sets and see what the models predict for an x value of 0 (the prediction should equal 0).

The results show that when we fit the exact right model we do best (no surprise there!). When the model is too complex we get low bias (values predicted close to zero on average) but high variance. When the model isn’t complex enough we get high bias (values predicted away from zero) but low variance.

In general you won’t know the true model, so the goal is to try to pick a model that gives a happy medium on the bias-variance tradeoff (of course depending on your goals).

What do you do in training/tuning/testing

Imagine we have broken the data into three components: \(X_{tr}, X_{tu}, X_{te}\). Now we need to “fit” the model. Let’s briefly talk about what this means. A machine learning model has two parts:

  1. An algorithm
  2. A set of parameters

The algorithm would be something like regression models with splines:

\[y_i = \sum_{k=1}^K b_k g_k(x_i) + e_i\]

And the parameters would be the choices of \(b_k\), \(g_k\) and \(K\). These parameters are “fit” by estimating them from the data or fixing them in advance.

  • Training - In the training set you try different algorithms, estimate their parameters, and see which one works best.
  • Tuning - Once you have settled on a single algorithm or a small set of algorithms, you use the tuning set to estimate which paramters work best outside of the training sample you originally built on.
  • Testing - Once your algorithm and all your parameters for your model are fixed then you apply that fitted model just one time to the test set to evaluate the error rate for your model realistically.

Cross validation

Within the training set you are choosing between algorithms and parameters, but like we saw above, if you use the whole training set you may end up overfitting to the noise in the data. So when selecting algorithms and parameters, you need some way to make sure you don’t just pick the algorithm that is most overfit.

The typical way people do this is by cross-validation (figure borrowed from Rafa’s Data Science Book). K-fold cross validaiton just splits up the training set into K pieces. You build the model on part of the training data and apply it to the rest. This gives you a better evaluation of the out of sample error - so will allow you to rank models in a better way.

You can also use the bootstrap. But you need to adjust for the fact that the training and testing sets are random samples.

Back to our example

Here we are going to simply use training and testing using the createDataPartition() function in the caret package with the argument p being the percentages of data that goes into training:

We leave the test set alone until the very end!

Model selection and fitting

A lot of machine learning is considering variations on the equation:


where the things we are varying is the choice of distance metric \(d()\) which we have already discussed. We have talked a lot less about varying \(f()\) which is the most common topic for many machine learning books. Here we will briefly review a couple of the key algorithms.

The first thing to keep in mind is that with well engineered features, often simple algorithms due almost as well as more advanced algorithms.

The other thing to keep in mind with these types of algorithms is that there are often important tradeoffs.

The important tradeoffs are:

  • Interpretability versus accuracy
  • Speed versus accuracy
  • Simplicity versus accuracy
  • Scalability versus accuracy

Types of models

There are a few key ideas you should know about that define most regression models you will run into in practice.

  • Regression
  • Trees
  • Ensembling
  • Neural Networks

Today we will briefly demonstrate trees, but we will discuss all of these later in the term.


Classification and regression trees are an extremely popular approach to prediction. The basic algorithm for a classification tree is the following:

  1. Start with all variables in one group
  2. Find the variable/split that best separates the outcomes
  3. Divide the data into two groups (“leaves”) on that split (“node”)
  4. Within each split, find the best variable/split that separates the outcomes
  5. Continue until the groups are too small or sufficiently “pure”

This is an example tree:

The big question is how to define “best separates the outcomes” in Step 4 of the general algorithm. For continuous data you might minimize the residual sum of squares in each group. For binary data you might measure misclassification or information gain.

  • Strengths - Trees are usually easy to understand and can be fit quickly.
  • Weaknesses - Trees have a tendency not to be terribly accurate compared to some other methods and may overfit.

Our example

Based on these plots of a few of the features:

We should be able to do ok for this model fitting. We can fit models using the caret package. The caret package simplifies a lot of model fitting for machine learning. We can use the train command to do this in R.

## CART 
## 100 samples
## 257 predictors
##   2 classes: 'axe', 'cloud' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Bootstrapped (25 reps) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   cp    Accuracy   Kappa    
##   0.14  0.8385178  0.6751338
##   0.26  0.7900434  0.5798719
##   0.54  0.6274736  0.2868931
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final value used for the model was cp = 0.14.

Here you can see we have reasonable accuracy, this accuracy is estimated using bootstrapping only the training set. We can look at the final model fit after model selection using the finalModel argument.

## n= 100 
## node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
##       * denotes terminal node
## 1) root 100 50 axe (0.50000000 0.50000000)  
##   2) pixel246< 0.001953125 73 23 axe (0.68493151 0.31506849)  
##     4) pixel243< 0.001953125 58  9 axe (0.84482759 0.15517241) *
##     5) pixel243>=0.001953125 15  1 cloud (0.06666667 0.93333333) *
##   3) pixel246>=0.001953125 27  0 cloud (0.00000000 1.00000000) *

You can use the rpart.plot package to visualize what is actually going on here.

Model evaluation

The last step is model evaluation. A good model evaluation includes the components:

  1. Evaluation of the model predictions based on the goal you stated at the beginning of the problem.
  2. Exploratory analysis of predictions to ensure that there aren’t obvious problems
  3. Consideration of the practical and ethical consequences of deploying your model.

As we discussed above, Amazon developed an AI algorithm for predicting who they should hire. They did a good job of evaluating criteria 1 - they knew they could accurately predict in their training set.

However, they didn’t do exploratory analysis to identify what their model was using to make predictions. They also didn’t do a careful job of evaluating the implications of their model in terms of bias. This led to some major problems.

Before evaluating our model in the test set, we want to understand what is going on with our prediction. This is an active and open area of research: the interpretation of results from black box machine learning algorithms. We can do this in a couple of ways. One approach that has seen some traction is locally interpretable model agnostic explanations (lime). This approach fits very simple local models to approximate the complicated model in a local neighborhood.

Then for each prediction you can see how much the features are positively or negatively correlated with the complex model near that prediction. To do this, you can use the lime package.

Or you can start looking at the data for individual features.

We can also look at where this pixel would be in the image:

##     x  y
## 246 6 16

And plot it

We can also figure out which of the images are misclassified and look at them

Let’s look at one of the missed images

The first is not clear why we missed this? Maybe just because the model is too sparse? This would be something we’d explore more carefully.

The last step is to apply the predictions in the test set. You only do this once, but it gives you the best estimate of the out of sample error rate you’d see in practice.

## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction axe cloud
##      axe    45     5
##      cloud  13    37
##                Accuracy : 0.82            
##                  95% CI : (0.7305, 0.8897)
##     No Information Rate : 0.58            
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 2.857e-07       
##                   Kappa : 0.64            
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.09896         
##             Sensitivity : 0.7759          
##             Specificity : 0.8810          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.9000          
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.7400          
##              Prevalence : 0.5800          
##          Detection Rate : 0.4500          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.5000          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.8284          
##        'Positive' Class : axe             

This accuracy is usually slightly lower than the accuracy in the training data.