

The goal of this homework assignment is to use US opinion polling data (any any other sources of data) for the current 2018 Senate Midterm Elections and predict the results in each state.

image source

We will have three competitions with the terms for scoring entries described below (see Problem 3). The winner of each competition will win an Amazon gift card!

The three competitions are the following:

  1. Predict the number of Republican senators. You may provide an interval. Smallest interval that includes the election day result wins. (Problem 3.1)
  2. Predict the republican-democrat (R-D) difference in each state. The predictions that minimize the residual sum of squares between predicted and observed differences wins. (Problem 3.2)
  3. Report a confidence interval for the R-D difference in each state. If the election day result falls outside your confidence interval in more than two states you are eliminated. For those surviving this cutoff, we will add up the size of all confidence intervals and sum. The smallest total length of confidence interval wins. (Problem 3.3)

To submit your predictions, we will post a link on Slack to a Google Form.


Some data you will find useful are:

  1. US Opinion poll data from:
  2. Summary table from FiveThirtyEight used in their Senate Model (data available in a CSV format).

Problem 1: Data Wrangling

Problem 1.1

Create a master data frame called candidates containing information about each race and show the head of the data frame. Specifically, each row should represent one race and the data frame should have the following columns:

  1. state = the state abbreviation where the race is being held
  2. class = the class of the Senate race (1, 2, 3)
  3. special = TRUE/FALSE status representing whether this is a special election or not
  4. R = name of republican candidate
  5. D = name of non-republican candidate (democrat or independent)
  6. race_id = in lowercase letters the abbreviation of the state underscore the senate class number (e.g. az_1)
  7. safe = a TRUE/FALSE logical vector indicating whether RealClear Politics has indicated if the incumbent in this race is safe or not.
  8. race_url = a URL to where you got your poll data from e.g. Texas or NA if no poll data exists.


  • There are 33 regular elections and 2 special elections, so you should have 35 rows.
  • If there are more than two candidates running in a race, pick the top two candidates with the largest voteshare.
  • The Senate race in MS, class 2 (MS2) is not listed as safe, but it also does not have any poll data (as of 2018-10-17). So you can consider this race a safe race for purposes of this homework.
  • The Senate race in CA, class 1 (CA1), there are two democrats running. For purposes of this homework, label Kevin de Leon as R and Dianne Feinstein as D to calculate the difference between R-D.
  • There are two Senate races with Independents competing against Republicans. Change the labels from I to D for purposes of this homework assignment.
  • This data set from Fivethirtyeight is a great place to start to create this data frame.
## add your code here 

Problem 1.2

Create a list object of length 35 and name the object polls. Within the polls object, name each item in your list the same as your race_id in the candidates data frame.

polls <- vector(mode="list", length=35)
names(polls) <- candidates$race_id

Then, scrape in opinion poll data (if available) from the RealClear Politics website for each of the senate midterm races and store the poll data for that race in the corresponding slot in the list.

Show the head of the data frame containing poll data from Arizona class 1 race.


## add your code here 

Problem 2

Compute a 99% confidence interval for each state

Problem 2.1

Assume you have \(M\) polls with sample sizes \(n_1, \ldots n_M\). If the polls are independent, what is the average of the variances of each poll if the true proportion is \(p\)?

Add your answer here (use latex to write solution)

Problem 2.2

First, compute the following for the republican candidates in each race:

  1. the square root of the values in Problem 2.1
  2. the standard deviations of the observed poll results in each race.

Second, create a scatter plot of the observed versus theoretical (average of theoretical standard deviations) with the size of the point proportion to the number of polls. How do these compare?

## add your code here

Add a summary of your findings here

Problem 2.3

Repeat Problem 2.2, but include only the most recent polls from since September 1, 2018. Do they match better or worse or the same? Can we trust the theoretical values? Why might they be different?

## add your code here 

Add a summary of your findings here

Problem 2.4

Create a scatter plot with each point representing one state. Is there one or more races that are outliers in that it they have much larger variabilities than expected? Explore the original poll data and explain why the discrepancy?

## add your code here 

Add a summary of your findings here

Problem 2.5

Construct 99% confidence intervals for the difference in each race. Use either theoretical or data driven estimates of the standard error and use the results in Problem 2.4, to justify your choice.

Plot the differences with 99% confidence intervals along the x-axis (one for each race) and the difference along the y-axis. Order the x-axis from the most negative difference to most positive difference.

How does your answer here compare to the other poll aggregators?

## add your code here 

Add a summary of your findings here

Problem 3

Predict the results for the 2018 Senate Midterm Elections. We will have three competitions with the terms for scoring entries described below. For the questions below, explain or provide commentary on how you arrived at your predictions including code.

Some possible suggestions on analyses to explore:

Good luck!!

To enter the competition, we will post a link on Slack to a Google Form for you to submit your predictions.

Problem 3.1

Predict the number of Republican senators. You may provide an interval. Smallest interval that includes the election day result wins.

Note: We want the total so add the numbers of those that are not up for election.

## add your code here 

Provide an explanation of methodology here

Problem 3.2

Predict the R-D difference in each state. The predictions that minimize the residual sum of squares between predicted and observed differences wins.

## add your code here 

Provide an explanation of methodology here

Problem 3.3

Report a confidence interval for the R-D difference in each state. If the election day result falls outside your confidence interval in more than two states you are eliminated. For those surviving this cutoff, we will add up the size of all confidence intervals and sum. The smallest total length of confidence interval wins.

Note: You can use Bayesian credible intervals or whatever else you want.

## add your code here 

Provide an explanation of methodology here